Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Reina de Corazones(Queen Of Hearts) Episode 7

Posted by Unknown at 1:14 AM

                     English language recaps of Telenovelas...

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The episode begins with our handsome couple in once-was-Nicholas-now-Bolivar's car, having successfully extricated themselves from the most recent encounter with violence and carnage. Reina, desirous of a little peace and a safe place with which to try and clear her muddled head, asks Bolivar if he can take her to his place and she can spend the night there with him. As we can almost hear his heart as it leaps up into his throat, he gentlemanly attempts to ascertain from her what her 'spend the night with him' may mean. Of course, Reina, innocent in her obliviousness, means if he has a spare room or chair or something, maybe he could be so kind as to lend her that and when Bolivar realizes this, he tells her that he has only got one bed , but he would willingly and gladly give it up to her (the bed, that is...).

Having agreed on this, they're just about to be on their way (and some sexy-anticipation-type background music starts playing) when, WHOOPS!! Bolivar's phone buzzes. Noticing that he does not appear inclined to answer it, Reina makes him do so, thinking that it may be Victor calling, and that not answering it would be suspicious. As he connects the call, we understand his reluctance to answer it in Reina's presence as the sexy voice of an erotically-hypercharged Estefania Perez Hidalgo comes across his speaker phone, telling him how much she yearns and aches and thirsts and lusts and hungers for him, as well as other things which would make your grandmother blush. With the level of awkwardness in the car rising exponentially with each of her words, we are treated to a glimpse of our winsome and shrinking violet on the other end, as she rolls around amongst the multitudinous gold satin pillows on her bed, wearing nothing but the barest of essentials (deep red bra and panties, with six inch red stilettos), touching herself and obviously enjoying herself way too much.

Reina, taken a little aback, in a truly heroic display of euphemism-diplomacy, attempts to apologize for her impertinence and self-centeredness in trying to impose herself on Bolivar and, in so doing, ignoring the possibility that, as she put it (in a truly heroic display of euphemism-diplomacy) he "had plans for the night". Not to worry, says Bolivar, as (with the romantic, yearning music starting in the background) he assures her that, in fact, it is SHE that is his absolute priority for the night (whereupon the romantic-yearning music segues into something sexier). 
Next we see Greta, happy as a lark as she rehearses her beloved acrobatics, which we now learn is the 'aerial silk' kind (whereupon the acrobat does their thing in mid-air supported by special fabrics which they then incorporate in their routine, without the benefit of any kind of support or safety lines). Her rather cloying boyfriend is also there, sitting rapt in the front row. After congratulating her on her beautiful work, he then whips out an engagement ring. Cara de sorpresa de Greta. 

We segue over to Lazaro, siting alone on the couch in his apparently empty house, looking dour and glum. In sashays Miriam, coming home way late, and thus the source of Lazaro's low mood. He is apparently of the 'quickly forgiving' kind, however, as soon they are getting busy on the couch, with all apparently having been forgiven. This doesn't last long, however, as Lazaro, in his empassioned gropings, finds a quantity of drugs on Miriam''s person. Concerned, upset, and angry, Lazaro tries to remind of her health, her responsibilities, her life, and most importantly, her child whereupon Miriam (in a masterstroke of selfishness and manipulation) tells him she NEEDS the drugs because they are the only thing that make bearable the miserable life she is living with him. Out stumbles a half-asleep Coni, having awoken to the ruckus. Not wanting to get her in any way involved, Lazaro tries to reason with Miriam, but her focus appears to be solely on just getting her drugs back until, realizing that there's no WAY that Lazaro will ever see eye-to-eye with her on that regard, she storms out of the house again in a huff. 

Now back to our couple, as they enter into Bolivar's perfectly nice and acceptable apartment. Reina, taking in her new surroundings, tells Bolivar that this isn't at all what she thought of for him, whereupon he tells her that he hardly ever spends any time there, and then does his best to be the perfect host as he inquires as to whatever she may need or like to feel more comfortable. 

Uh oh. Now to the De Rosas mansion. where the mood is anything but comfortable as a livid and desperate Victor tries to find out from his pajama-clad servants how Reina could have possibly managed to flee, and where in the world she could have gone. At this moment Reina then calls, telling Victor that she's fine and to please not worry and imploring him just for a little time and understanding as she attempts to get her head around everything, and that she will come home- promise! Victor- somewhat ameliorated but definitely not thrilled with this- shares the news with the rest of the household, whereupon odious bitch Delfina makes sure to take a minute and rub salt in Victor's wounds about the latest capriciousness of his errant wife.. 
Back to our two leads, now and for the moment sudden roomies, as they try and settle into this now-mercifully quiet night that they are apparently innocently going to spend together. Lots of the romantic-yearning-type music and undercurrents of throbbing emotion (which, I must say, our two leads handle very well with one another). 
On we go to something decidedly neither quiet nor innocent, as Victor enters the wherever-it-is where Isidro has been torturing the Middle Eastern gentleman, who we see is now in quiet a bad way, heaving and hyperventilating while tied to a chair, battered, bloodied, brusied. Victor demands of the man the identity of the 'Reina de Diamantes', but the poor man swears that he doesn't know her name, only that she's magnificently wealthy and goes by that alias. Victor, already stung by the man's apparent betrayal, isn't happy to hear this but his subsequent further attempts to elicit any information from his captive also don't get him anything. Just then he gets up and- WTF??? WHAT THE HELL DID HE JUST STICK ON THE GUY'S NECK????- Victor takes from somewhere concealed on his person a little stick-or-pen-like device of some kind which he then sticks to the poor guys neck, and then proceeds to watch as- within seconds- the guy dies. A disgusted Victor then pushes both body and chair over and he and Isidro leave. 
Back to Bolivar's apartment where, with Reina apparently safe and sound asleep, he proceeds to file an online report to Smith.

Now on to something completely different, where Estefania- in a pink and black satin and lace Baby Doll nightie looking (and acting) decidedly different from when we last saw her- is entering one of the closed rooms in her house- a room which is revealed to be the bedroom of every little's girls dreams, decorated wall to wall in Laura Ashley-type florals and filled with doll houses, strollers, and dolls of every shape and size everywhere, literally filling the entire room. Estefania goes and picks up a favourite doll, lovingly kisses it and holds it tenderly to her. Just then a knock at the door interrupts her reverie- it's her Isidro, her loyal henchman Lopez. Estefania wants an update as to last night's drama involving Victor de Rosas and the status of everyone, most especially, his driver (we all know who that is). Lopez reports that everyone got out of it okay, but that it was a very serious, scary and dangerous situation. Estefania tells him to make the appropriate phone calls, and that she is going to sell the red diamond so that Victor will not be killed, as he most assuredly would be were she to keep it. Lopez expresses his surprise at her concern over the life of Victor de Rosas, whereupon Estefania tells him that, basically, she's not necessarily doing it for him.

We then see a torn Bolivar, having checked on his sleeping Reina, as he picks up the phone and checks in with his boss, Victor de Rosas, shirtless and apparently having been in bed. Upset at first by his employees lack of communication, Victor quickly changes his tune when Bolivar betrays Reina's location to him by telling him where she is. Victor tells him he'll be right over to fetch her and disconnects the call wherein- OH NO!- we realize that Victor was not alone in bed, as odious bitch Delfina slithers into the frame beside him and hisses more evil in Victor's ear about Reina, whereupon an angry Victor tells her to watch herself before leaving to get dressed.

Uh oh! As a guilty looking Bolivar stares sadly down at his phone, contemplating his betrayal, Reina appears. She's heard everything, and is speechless at Bolivar's betrayal of her. 

Now over to Estefania, dressed now, greeting upstanding cop Christian. They apparently go way back. Happy to see him, Estefania is taken aback when Christian reveals his motives for being there- he wants to ask her about her stepson Andres and Reina Ortiz. 
Now over to a furious and hurt Reina with Bolivar, as he attempts to justify to her his actions. He uses the concern of her family, her work, her loving daughter, and that she has going for her in her life as excuses and it apparently works, as next they're all gently loving buddy-buddies again, as they sit down to the delicious breakfast that Bolivar cooked for the both of them (and with, of course, the romantic-yearning-type music playing in the background). Bolivar leaves the room for a minute to go and fetch something and when he return- SURPRISE!- Reina flew the coop! 

Bolivar pursues in hot pursuit through his now-open front door and a cat-and-mouse chase ensues throughout the apartment building as Bolivar tries to locate Reina and Reina tries to evade Bolivar. The pursuit moves to the buildings stairwell....

Now over to Juanjo and Lazaro. Lazaro muses on fate and the fact that- in a 24 hour period, he lost both his job and his girl. Juanjo is a supportive listener, until he spots of all people Susana, sitting alone and looking sad in her car, perhaps contemplating the events that transpired when last she was at this place (when she attempted suicide). Concerned that perhaps she's going to try it again, Juanjo dials a number on his phone...

Well, Reina has made it to the roof but, of course, where can she go from here? And, indeed, it is here where Bolivar finds her. Their confrontation as he catches up to her gets heated, and then physical as Bolivar attempts to physically pick Reina up and bring her back downstairs. 

Well, all that chase-excitement means that Bolivar's apartment is now wide open and empty of people and it is a confused Victor and Isidro who now enter, puzzled at what's happened. Isidro finds evidence, in terms of clothing and the unmade bed, of possible hanky-panky, whereupon Victor reassures him that Bolivar has told him everything. It seems in betraying his beloved Reina, Bolivar has gained the (for now) unwavering trust of his boss...

Back onto the stairwell (going down this time), with a screaming and kicking Reina doing her best to resist the physical restraints of Bolivar's manly arms that are currently confining her. She struggles, she resists, she screams, she squirms, Bolivar lets her down momentarily to try and get a better hold of her, she bites him, he grabs her again, she screams in his face, two inches away from one another.... and.... HELLO!!! PASSIONATE KISS! (and of course, crooning romantic music in the background). LONG and passionate kiss! Unfortunately, back to reality, Victor and Isidro are trying to follow the screams, and head up the stairwell. They, of course, catch up to Reina and Bolivar (who, thankfully for them, had just left their embrace). Victor attempts to intercede for Reina who, desperately, lashes out to all of them- telling them that all she wants is some peace and quiet and some time to herself to try and sort out her head. Victor reminds her of, amongst other things, her little daughter at home, and it appears that Reina is realizing that flight- as much though she feels she needs it right now- might not be the most realistic course of action for her right now.

Over to Estefania, now at her shrink, musing over the possibility of Andres and Reina being involved, which she just can't get her head around. She muses further on people and their secrets, including her own and, when her doctor inquires of her about them, she tells him that she's got more secrets than anyone. 
Now back to Susana, looking sad, lost, and small (FWIW- I think Wanda D'Isidoro is doing great with Susana and with being sympathetic in general, such a change from her amoral vamp Barbara in the execrable SD!). As Lazaro and Juanjo watch from afar, she starts her car, turns around and goes back the way she came. She almost gets run over by a rampaging transport truck, and then sirens start blaring and we see a cop car in hot pursuit of her. As Lazaro and Juanjo watch from afar, they pontificate upon peoples lives, their struggles, their voids, and their happinesses,

Briefly back to Bolivar's apartment. A deflated, dejected, and defeated Reina is ready to go back. Big sigh.

Back to the bridal boutique (or whatever you want to call it). Odious bitch Delfina is assisting Greta with her wedding gown. Odious bitch Delfina gushes about both dress and wedding, Greta doesn't look too thrilled at the prospect of either... Just then Estefania walks in, inquiring about Reina. Greta is surprised to see Estefania, Estefania- her motherly urges long suppressed but certainly not dead- is delighted to see Greta. They talk about Greta's sudden change (or upcoming change) in marital status, and Greta confesses that her true passion is for her acrobatics and that she really doesn't want to get married. Estefania, flattered at Greta confiding in her, tells her not to lose track of her dreams, and that a woman with no dreams isn't a complete woman at all. Greta looks grateful for Estefania's understanding.

Bolivar now, barging into Smith's office and renouncing both his job and mission. Smith is having none of it.

Ooh! Greta's big night (not her wedding night, the night she was looking forward to. Coni, Lazaro, Juanjo, and the kid are there to take in the circus fun and festivities, and ever-supportive Susana is there, looking stunning if out of place in evening gown. Juanjo engages her and they banter a bit back and forth (I must confess, I'm not usually one on the 'couples', 'courtship', 'romance' aspects of telenovela mostly, but I love these two!!)

Now back to the De Rosas mansion. Reina is trying to sneak out again, poor thing. She makes it outside and to the foot of the driveway before crouching in front of the SUV and subsequently setting off its car alarm. If it wasn't for bad luck, she'd have no luck at all.

More people arriving, Victor- obviously not really thrilled to be there but determined to at least try to support his daughter somewhat- Clarita and, of course, Isidro. The cloying boyfriend is also there, and he reassures Victor that- once they are married, he'll get Greta to get rid of this stupid dream of hers.


back over at the de Rosas mansion, one of Victor's goons has come out to investigate the car alarm. He does so without incident while Reina hides behind a tree... (and here all I can say is thank God Paola Nunez is skinny, because that tree was little more than a sapling and if her hips were any wider, she'd have been screwed!!) 

Next, whilst waiting for Greta's show to begin, we have a little interaction between the two children, as Clarita and The Boy collide and spill each others popcorn / confectionery items. Here I must confess that I have no idea what actually went on because generally speaking I uniformly can't stand all children in telenovelas but, whatever it is, I'm sure it was precious (nauseatingly, the children even have their own 'precious' background music) and overall of no relation or consequence whatsoever to any plot, be it main or sub... BUT... it should be noted that, whilst watching the children in all of their preciousness, Coni catches site of Isidro, and subsequently gets all nervous/weak-at-the-knees and makes a beeline out of there before he notices her.
We then see a liberated Reina, walking down an urban sidewalk somewhere, assuredly thrilled with herself that she's (once again) managed to fly the proverbial coop. In the background trailing her, we see a familiar figure on a motorcycle with a REEEE-ally distinctive dark helmet...

Back at the circus show, Coni (who obviously was steeling herself for this), approaches Isidro and expresses her delight for finding him here at the circus. Isidro, with his two worlds ('cold-blooded, fiercely loyal hitman/bodyguard' and 'regular, well-meaning, somewhat lonely guy who'd love to meet a nice girl and settle down') now thus colliding, doesn't really know what to do... so he does nothing. Coni is understandably perplexed at his sudden coldness and lack of response.

Meanwhile, back to our Reina... ever vigilant (read: 'paranoid', but give the girl a break... she's got ample reasoning for being so!), dodges behind a corner to escape Figure On Motorbike. Just as she thinks that she has done so Figure On Motorbike appears from out of nowhere and pulls up right in front of her (and, as he does so, we see some familiar curly locks portruding from the aforementioned distinctive helmet...)

Now back to the circus... we see Lazaro is now joining the rest of his group and, as he enters the auditorium (accompanied by The Boy, who must have found him in the lobby or something), he espies a promotional photo of Greta. Lazaro stops in front of it and gets all wistful, but covers well when The Boy asks him about it.

Next we have Estefania, who I think we've all gathered by now really gets off on getting herself into as extreme a situation as possible, being led blindfolded into a stretch limo, wherein awaits a rather greasy looking character who greets her as the 'Reina de Diamantes'. Estefania is cool in her response and then gets right down to it- she tells him that she has what he wants, and will give it to him, but on the condition that he leaves Victor de Rosas and his family alone, and will seek no vengeance on them for anything. The greasy rich guy is agreeable to this (I gather that most men are with Estefania), but tells her that if such is the case, then he also has his own condition.....
Now on to the performance, we see Greta in the middle of her routine, which is right out of something 'Cirque du Soleil' might do. She's having the time of her life, and the audience is clearly loving it. Interestingly too, though, is that while this is going on we are treated to glimpses of several of our main players here, and whatever they themselves may be personally going through- Lazaro looks on at the enigmatic girl twirling before them all with what looks like wonder, a delighted Juanjo finds that- in spite of how much he's enjoying the show- he still finds himself perpetually looking over at Susana and in her direction, and that she- even if on the other side of the auditorium and seemingly, on another side of the world entirely, also finds herself continuously looking on over at him (Yay!). There is also odious bitch Delfina, sitting off on her own, looking decidedly sour and unimpressed. Then we have Coni, sweet and now a little bit confused, looking over hopefully at Isidro where he is obviously caught between these two very disparate aspects of his personality... trying to be cold and emotionless as Victor's bodyguard, yet still trying somewhat to engage Coni with some kind of eye contact or a fleeting smile....

Now back to our Reina and her motorcycle man, who does indeed now take off his helmet and reveal himself to her as our Bolivar. She is not at all pleased to see him, and reminds him if her attitude towards him is as negative as it is, that he has no one but himself to blame for it thanks to his most recent betrayal of her to her powerful husband. Bolivar tries impressing upon her how dangerous it is for her to be out on her own, he also tries explaining and apologizing. As the two gaze into each others eyes (to which it must be said that these two are REALLY good with the whole 'eye contact' thing, and at the whole concept of using gaze to express things that words never could...), we can almost feel the various discerning emotions both are feeling right now, before Reina snaps out of it and tells Bolivar to, please... just leave her in peace and leave her alone. Bolivar, who of course, only wants to do whatever it is that Reina wants, lets her go as this, and she storms away from him through the parking garage where all of this had transpired. Just after she takes leave of him, however, a car speeds through and narrowly avoids hitting her. The young driver immediately gets out of his car to apologize and then....

Oh NOES!! He rushes up to Reina and chloroforms her, before dragging her now-unconscious body to the trunk of his car and tossing her inside!!

What happens next? Did Bolivar see?? Tune in tomorrow!!! :-)

My best wishes to you all! :-) 

Have a great TIME, Telemundo fans!


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